A Different Floor Show

The four-footed one was not thrilled with the weather. She wanted it to be hot, sun shining, and warm rocks to bask upon. But, instead, it was damp and overcast. As a result, the four-footed one wasn’t interested in going outside.

I needed her to go outside, though, to get the floors clean. She runs away from the vacuum, so that’s not an issue, but she likes to ride on the mop when I use it in the kitchen. She also wants to lick every damp spot on the floor. And her licking the floor is not the type of cleaning of the floors I wanted. Or needed to tell you the whole truth.

So Beloved picked her up and got her ready for a car ride. Typically, the four-footed one loves car rides, but she could sense the diversion today. She did not want to go outside, and she did not want to miss out on whatever was happening in the house.

Beloved said she groaned and grunted the whole time they were in the car. She turned her back to him and ignored him until he stopped at the coffee shop to get us drinks. The coffee shop employees know the four-footed one and always have a small treat for her. She came into the clean house unhappy and let me know she wasn’t ready to forget the betrayal. Maybe a dog bone or such will help. All I wanted was clean floors.

Like The Dog

The four-footed one made a new friend today.  The fact that her new friend is about three times her size is not an issue for her.  The fact that her new friend isn’t interested in her also doesn’t matter to her.  As far as she’s concerned everything is fine. And if the new friend is a temporary thing, she seems content with this as well.

Frankly as long as things work out, she’s okay.  She’s an easy-going kind of girl.  Until it doesn’t suit her anymore.  At which point she is no longer content nor so easy-going. Thankfully she lives for the moment, unless it’s around food at which point she has the memory of an elephant and doesn’t forget the when, where, why or who.

It would be wise to be more like her, forgive a little easier, let go of grudges and such and just hold onto the good times.  And food of course.  Well maybe not too much holding onto food because holding too much food would probably result in massive weight gain for me.  And massive weight gain would make me unhappy and I wouldn’t be able to forget about things.  So maybe not hold onto food too much.  But otherwise just like the dog.