What To Wear

Beloved informed me that he had nothing to wear.  Not that he that he didn’t have anything suitable to wear, but rather that he had nothing to wear, as in the poor soul was forced to conduct his daily comings and goings, and all interactions, without any clothing on.  Actually it means all those people having to bear witness to this!

And thus did he have to buy clothes, a full new outfit including shoes and a jacket.  Forced to do it, he said.  The man has more clothing than I do!  And shoes?  Oh good heavens I’ve never met a person who has so many shoes, each for a specific and different purpose!

I don’t begrudge him clothes, he makes the money to buy them and frankly I’d hate to have an unsuspecting public forced to face the spectacle of him sans clothing.  I just wish he wouldn’t use such a tired line about having nothing to wear.

Incidentally this latest set of purchases includes a red velvet jacket, well a rust-reddish jacket.  Somehow I don’t think he has anything to wear with that and thus more items will need to be bought!