A Rare Find

You know those people in your life who get you? Those precious few souls who understand what isn’t being said and can finish your sentence or theories? Those people are indeed a treasure.

If we are lucky enough, we may have one or two of these people in our lives. If we are really blessed, one of these people may be our life partner.

When you connect with these people, it is a sense of belonging, family, and more. It’s as if you know each other on a deeper level, a level many won’t understand.

I can’t imagine my life without these people in it. They push me to do better, pull me back from the edge, and help me be myself in so many ways. Best of all, I don’t have to say everything I am thinking or mean for them to know the rest of the conversation. There is an understanding already there.

These beautiful beings don’t always live near us, although we must spend time with them to see if the connection is there first. But, after that, if you move far away, they still come with you in your heart. And when you contact them, the distance melts away as if there are right there with you.

Mindful Loss

Well I officially lost my mind. I’m not  sure where it went.  I have no clue if it will come back.  The only thing I know is that I’ve lost it, as in its gone.  As in it’s no longer here.  As in how else can you explain me willingly agreeing to spend a week, a whole week, unplugged and disconnected?  Yep that’s right, a whole week.

Now let me lay this straight out for you, not only are we talking a whole week without technical devices and connections, but a whole week in a place with Beloved and the dog.  No other distractions, well other than books.

And this my dear friends is where the problem begins.  You see Beloved can’t stand not knowing what’s happening in the world.  He struggles to not be constantly in the know.  And suddenly we will be faced with just each other for conversation, entertainment and frankly not much for diversions.

If we lived in earlier times we’d have worked hard, physical labor mostly, for the day and then be stuck with each other at night, but too exhausted to need to worry about much.  Now we will have a full seven days and nights with no diversions.  It’s a make or break type deal for some people.  For us it’s a what were you thinking?

So yes friends I’ve lost my mind because I’ve readily agreed to this idea, knowing what’s in it.  But what adventure doesn’t begin with someone losing his/her mind?  The best stories seem to start with a what were you thinking moment.  At least that’s the story I’m  sticking to. 😉