Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Of Great Tasting?

I may have a wee problem.  Just a small one.  In fact not so much a problem as a habit.  A social thing of sorts.  Acceptable and embraced by many.

You see dear friends when I received my new coffee maker and new coffee I stumbled into a fantasy land of sorts.  Amazing experiences!   And the thing is, I’ve decided I rather enjoy settling down with a cup.  Or two.  Or more.  Throughout the day if it’s acceptable to drink one right after the other.  Like a thirsty person who has stumbled into the world of water and is finally able to drink deeply.

A few people have told me this may be a bit, much.  Okay actually one person used the word excessive.  Someone else said it was ridiculous.  This words seem a bit, harsh shall we say.  I mean the coffee is that good and well….its quality control sampling on my part.  Sure that’s what it is!

I thought after the first day the novelty would wear off.  I’ve told myself its  just coffee.  But nothing works.  I may have to change my view-point on marriage.  Pretty sure I will be doing the proposing, to my coffee maker! 😉  Crazy?  Yep probably.  I’m not hoping to outgrow this love affair with my coffee maker and the lovely coffee it makes!  But it’s not an addiction.  Surely not!