Freezing Like

I like staying up all night to watch the morning light come in. I like getting up early to catch the sun as it starts to shimmer on the edge of my view. I like feeling the gentle breeze of early summer caress my skin and tease me into a sense of endless days.

I like listening to the rain dance on the tin roof of our house. I like sitting by the window watching the sky fill with flickers of far-off lightning, so far off that you never hear the thunder.

I like watching Beloved as he puzzles over some research. I like watching that small crease appear between his eyes as his tongue darts out between his teeth as he works out the meaning of data.

I like to feel as if time stands still in these moments as if we can make everything stay just as it is and hold everything close to ourselves.

Beloved assures me that photographs do the same thing. They freeze a given moment in time for all to cherish and go back to so that time is forever frozen, and we can keep still in these moments as long as we want.

I do not like being in photographs, but I like freezing those I love in moments I wish to hold onto forever. As if it serves as a way to wait for my cherished ones until they come back to similar moments.

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