
Gentle breeze? Check. Nice skies? Check? Soft sand? Check. Gentle waves crashing softly onto the sand? Check. Jellyfish? Wait. What? Did you say jellyfish? Umm not my idea for a nice walk on the beach letting the waves wash over my feet as I go.

Jellyfish? Yes they are present to. Sadly there were gaggles? Hordes? Schools? Flocks? I’m not sure what the word is for mass amounts of jellyfish, but that’s what was on the beach. Washed up on the shore after a night of storms.

Beloved had wanted to walk on the beach, after all it wasn’t stormy any more. So walk we did. And as we walked we noticed various sea life washed up. I marveled at how nature works, how populations of animals can be controlled so quickly and easily. It’s something we humans just can’t get right.

Of course while I was marveling at all of this, Beloved was doing a very human thing. Rescuing these poor, damaged sea animals. He threw starfish back in the water, assuring me that because their bodies were had, this wouldn’t hurt them I. The least.

Bravely, or foolishly (frankly these tend to blur in certain circumstances) Beloved picked up a jellyfish. Yes a jellyfish and threw it into the water. He reasoned it would be okay.

So we down the beach we went, me side-stepping the animals and him intervening on Nature’s course. For all his troubles he ended up getting stung several times by the jellyfish. The doctor who saw him said that some animals don’t need rescuing, at least not by someone who had never seen that animal before.

Thankfully he doesn’t go for walks on the beach any more after huge storms. And he doesn’t attempt to handle animals assuming they know he means well. Of course he has the scars to remind him of this, but it hasn’t stopped him from helping, however he’s a bit more knowledgeable and doesn’t go out of his depths.

Our best intentions aren’t always for the best. Not everything, or person, will understand (or want) our assistance. Don’t believe me? Just ask the jellyfish!