Who Owns It

Beloved was gifted a lovely cardigan recently. It’s a nice, light grey color and perfect for cooler evenings or such. The four-footed one has become enamored with this article of clothing.

It started with her wanting to be picked up for snuggles when he wore it. She would push herself into the cardigan as if trying to become one with it. When discovered that he wasn’t always wearing it, she would curl up in it, make a nest of sorts, and sleep in it.

The other day he evicted her from her happy nest to wear the cardigan while taping a lecture in the cold office. She was displeased by the interruption, and the rest of the neighborhood was allowed in on the displeasure.

I had to take her for a walk, a long one so that he could record the lecture without her howling in the background. When we came home, the first place she went to was the office to see if the door was shut.

Discovering it open, she ran to the library, found Beloved there. She stayed with him for less than a minute before heading to the bedroom where the cardigan was on a chair. She spent a few hours napping in her nest before returning to us to look for some attention. I’m pretty sure if she could, she would have brought the cardigan with her.