Opportunity To Learn, Opportunity To Share

My energy needs balancing.  My chakras are not aligned and apparently my third-eye is closed, completely.  Not worry though, this can be fixed I’ve been assured.  I just need to work at it and make it first and foremost.  I need to put me first so to speak.

Oh and one more wee thing, I need to believe in it all.  I want to understand these enemy lines or meridians.  I don’t, not right now, but I’m hoping someone can explain it to me.  I’ve no clue how I’d know if my third eye was open because I suspect it’s always been closed.  I wonder what life will be like with it open.  What more will I “see”?

More important than having this stuff all work, is understanding it.  Understanding the theory and principles behind this.  Why?  Because if I understand it I’m sure it opens up a whole other avenue of exploration, awareness and learning.  And that excites me and energizes me.

So if someone can explain this all to me in simple terms I’d really appreciate it.  I’d also appreciate people sharing with me because we all have so much to offer and learn from each other.

friendly problem

The problem with friends is that sometimes they force us to confront real hard facts about ourselves.  Okay so technically not a problem so much as just a painful reality check that we all need time from time.

A dear friend whom I haven’t seen in a while insisted we have a visit.  I haven’t seen her in a few months due to health and schedule issues, but we’ve exchanged texts during that time.  So have a visit we did.  And the visit went like they usually do, great fun and sharing.

And as usual my friend pointed out that I seem to have a problem I’ve never really been able to fix.  I’m good at helping others, encouraging and supporting the, through their health troubles.  I suck at taking care of myself with my issues with lupus.

I don’t just suck at taking care of myself, I just flat-out don’t do it.  At all.  Not really.  Sure I want to live life to its fullest, squeeze life out of every moment, but to me it’s quality more than quantity.  My friend just does not understand this on my part.  To her I can have a good life, a full life and a long life.  If I just take care of myself.

But I don’t.  She doesn’t ask me how I’m going to change this.  She just asks in her gentle quiet way, why I do this to myself.  She doesn’t want an answer, she wants me to answer that for myself and see what I find.  The thing is, I know the answer to that question.  I just don’t do anything about it because well, if you knew the answer you’d know why I leave it as it is.

Prior to the first few times she asked me this question I never really gave it any thought. It was just how things were, shrug your shoulders and move on.  But after she asked a few times, I forced myself to think about it and find the answer, just for myself.  There is power in having that answer, but according to her if I don’t do anything with my answer then the power of the answer is meaningless.  To her maybe, but to me it is more than enough and I’m fine with that.

I’m grateful for her making me look at this question and even more grateful that she accepts that I have made my choice and my peace with my choice.  She has assured me this is a two-way street, although I’ve never seen it.  But I guess that’s the magic of friendship and love.

Seeing Pictures

While going through some old boxes, I came across a stack of photos.  Most were black and white, a few were in sepia.  All of them featured people from another time and place.  Fascinated I lost track of time as I tried to sort out who these people were.

There was my maternal grandmother, looking self-confident and beautiful while she clung to the hand of an older man, tall and thin.  The woman I knew as my grandmother was nothing like this spitfire of a girl in the picture.  She had a look to her that said she knew what she wanted and she was going after it.  That tall, thin man she held hands with?  Her father, my great-grandfather.  He looked very serious and stiff in the picture.

Here is my maternal grandmother with her parents, both serious and dressed in dark clothing.  My grand mother is sitting on her father’s lap while her mother is flanked on either side by two older girls, and an infant rests in her arms.  Those older girls?  My grandmother’s sisters and the infant, her only brother.

There are photos of old houses, bikes, and smiling faces.  This, then, is the box of photos my mother hauled from place to place and hardly ever looked at.  She just needed to know they were there, as if by being able to touch the, she was able to connect again with her past.

The only photos that exist of my maternal grandfather are from his wedding day forward.  His family didn’t have time or money for photos.   It was only at the insistence of my grandmother that he ever had his picture taken.

In these wedding photos he looks impossibly young and full of hope, humor and mischief.  I have memories of him being a soft-spoken, quiet man.  When he was up for it, he’d have a wicked sense of humor, but he’d seen too much and been through too much by the time I was around.  Most he sat and kept to himself, smiling at some silliness I was caught up in.

My father never felt the need to have photos or sentimental items to keep in contact with his history.  He had exactly one picture of his mother, my paternal grandmother, when she was in her mid-teenage years.  And he had a copy of his parents’ wedding photo and was it.  His father was orphaned at an early age, living a had scrabble life in many ways.  My paternal grandfather had no time for frivolous items when he was young.  He was focused on becoming someone and not being dependent upon anyone for anything.

I have kept these photos and other’s because they are a link to so much that otherwise I wouldn’t know.  I dont see them as tying me to a place or people so much as creating a link that helps show where some of my habits and characteristics stem from.  And I keep them because. Am curious about the people and places, the lives lived and ended.

Truthfully most old pictures do that for me.  They ask me to consider the people and wonder what their lives were like.  Puzzle over the reason for some of these pictures and learn a bit about them.  I guess in a way it keeps them alive or in this world.