Martha Stewart And I

I’ve come to the conclusion that Martha Stewart and I will never be friends.  I mean if you ignore the fact that we don’t live near each other and have no mutual acquaintances to introduce us.  You see because if we did live near each other and had a mutual acquaintance to bring us together we still have nothing in common.  Nothing.

Martha bakes.  Not now does she bake, she seems to do it effortlessly and without making a mess.  Me?  I experiment at best and my kitchen has yet to experience me creating in it without there being a massive mess.  It just doesn’t happen.

On top of Martha baking, she knows which weeds you can eat or turn into a marvellous salad.  She can whip up a four course elegant meal without batting an eye.  I suspect she never even sweats when she finds herself preparing fancy food (probably everyday fare for her) for people.

Martha knows her way around knives, spoons and stoves.  Pots do not get in the way and I doubt that she has ever been terrified of which implant to use for mixing her ingredients together.  Martha is at home in her kitchen.

My kitchen doesn’t I still terror in me, not exactly.  But I view it as a room when magic can happen.  Both the kind of wonderful magic as well as the kind of magic that comes when none of the stars are in proper alignment.  My kitchen may be in my home, but it’s not where I feel the most at home.

And im not ashamed to say I never know exactly which implement is best for mixing up certain ingredients.  And this creates angst for me friends.  Great angst.  Because I have two different schools of thought when this happens:  grab each implement and use em until I find the right one or because I detest dishes so much just make do with one implement  for the whole cooking.

Its stuff like this hat lets me know that even if Martha and I knew each other it wouldn’t be good.  She’d probably judge my every move in he kitchen and offer that perfectly helpful (for everyone but me that is) advice of hers.  And then she’d become frustrated with me clumsy attempts to replicate what she does so effortlessly.  Or she’d be horrified at the mess everywhere.

So you see there really is no way for Martha and I to be friends.  Not even over a lovely, perfectly baked and beautifully decorated cake.  But if Martha wants to stop by with said cake I am more than willing to visit with her.  I’ll put the coffee on at just the right time!

Wrapping It Up

A few bubbles floated into the room, just sort of floating in a lazy and happy fashion. The dog ignored them as if to say he was too dignified for bubbles when in reality he was too tired to go after them.

The bubbles told me I’d have some time to myself as he had decided to have a bath, to relax and unwind or wash away the horrors of his day. Either way I’d have time myself, which was perfect because I needed all the time I could get. To wrap his present.

I’m not the queen of wrapping, frankly I struggle with wrapping the basic things. Part of this is from lupus and arthritis and the other part so that I simply don’t that’s this skill. Be watched videos and Martha Stewart and it’s still all just a mystery to me.

Of course I could hire someone to wrap it up, but that seems a bit like cheating. Gift bag? Ultimate cheat but one of my favorite things because of my lupus and arthritis. And normally I’d just grab a gift bag and call it done, but I had hunted, it was almost a safari, to find the perfect gift. Now I wanted him to have the whole on experience.

He had told me once that he missed out on ripping paper off presents as a child of course he missed out on presents too. So it has become my mission of sorts to provide him some of what he has missed out on. But wrapping? Oh my goodness this might be beyond me. At least beyond the limit of the hot water.

So I opted for creative wrapping, deciding since he’d rip it off anyway, if it wasn’t perfect it would still be okay. It’s the thought that counts right? And yes part of that conclusion had to do with the fact that I knew he’d have to leave the bath at some time as he doesn’t have gills. Surely Martha Stewart would approve of creative wrapping and if not, well she can stick her head in a vat of icing! 🙂