Early Morning Vists

Nothing good comes from someone pounding on your door at two a.m.  For the record the same can be said for people ringing your doorbell at this time.  Now I’m sure in some other inverse this isn’t a truth, but in mine, the only people who ring my doorbell at this hour are the bearers of bad news or bring bad stuff into my life.

The less-than-adult side of me has this great way of handling these things.  This part of me thinks if I just don’t answer the door, if I pull the covers up tight around my head the bad news has to go somewhere else.  It cannot be mine.

The adult side of me knows that ignoring it isn’t going to change the end result, so I go to the door.  Of course I hold not hope that this time I will be proven wrong.  I hope that this is the time good news or something like that happens to me.

A dear friend of mine recently had one of these two a.m. visits to her front door.  Two police officers appeared to tell her there had been an accident and could she just sit down?  Her partner had been coming home after his shift at work was over.  Unfortunately there was an accident and her partner was n bad shape at the hospital.  The officers had come to take her to the hospital.

When she was telling me about this she assured me that good things can happen with these early morning visits.  You see her partner’s coworker’s, those officers who came to her door, ensured she got to the hospital quickly.  And thankfully she will have a happily ever after with her partner.

It is, I guess, a case of how you view it all.  Maybe on the heels of bad news, is the positive of getting there in time or what have you.  Maybe you can find some comfort in the uncomfortable.